Skin and Allergies for a Dog

Skin and Allergies

Although a nice relief from the cold winter weather, spring for our pets often brings with it a side effect of allergies, and annoying insects and parasites. Whether it is a parasite, pain or skin condition, there are many reasons

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Monthly Behavioural Tip – Muzzles

Muzzles seem to have a bad reputation, labelling the dog wearing it as being mean, dangerous or untrained. The reality however, is that many dogs do not cope well being around strangers and are not going to show their ‘best

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Time to talk about Tummies

It’s hard to believe we’ve passed the half way mark of 2019 already! Time flies when you’re having fun, that’s for sure! This month we’re going to tackle the topic of gastrointestinal tract diseases. If you’ve been reading our previous

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How diet and obesity affects behaviour

Medical issues such as obesity have a direct impact on how your pet feels and therefore how he/she behaves. Overweight pets tire easily and can be grumpy due to fatigue or aches and pains, which are a direct result of

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Monthly Behaviour Tip: Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks

Teaching old dogs new tricks The phrase ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ is definitely not true!! Although set in their ways, old dogs are having to learn new tricks regularly as their health deteriorates and routines change.

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Our Senior Pet’s need a little extra care!

Hello everyone!  – the clinic has been a busy place with both pets and the renovations happening in the client waiting room! | How cold is it getting now though? It’s definitely getting chilly now- and I bet some of

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Monthly Behavioural Tip

Winter, with its cooler days and chilly nights, are particularly difficult for those suffering from arthritis. Your pet can suffer from arthritis in the same way as we do, even from a young age. It is tricky to tell if

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Monthly Behavioural Tip

Do you find yourself yelling at your dog for doing things you don’t want him/her to do? Does your dog test your patience? To help avoid certain unwanted behaviours continuing, aim to set your dog up to succeed, by providing

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Monthly Behaviour Tip: Pet Behaviour

Dog behaviour whether ‘good’ or ‘bad’ largely comes down to the way in which the dog has been communicated with. Correct communication is the best tool to strengthen your relationship with your dog. As humans, we often over complicate communication

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