Producing an A + Pup

Are you planning on adding a new four-legged member to your family, and want a well-behaved one? Well make yourself a cup of coffee and get nice and comfy, because this blog has been written for you…. With this month’s

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Don't let mosquitoes ruin your dog's summer!

Don’t let mosquitoes ruin your dog’s summer!

Now that summer is in full swing, our worst outdoor enemy is back! I’m sure you all know who I am talking about… Yes, that’s right… Mosquitoes! They ruin barbecues, buzz around your ears, steal your blood and leave behind

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Recognising your dog's broken heart

Recognising a Broken Heart!

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, what a better time to discuss heart disease! Heart disease is a sad but tolerable condition for your dog. Although treatments cannot reverse heart disease, your dog can live a relatively normal life

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Monthly Behaviour Tip: Summer Survival! Ears!

Spring and summer, with the warm, dry weather may lead to your dog getting an ear infection, maybe from a grass seed, skin allergy or after going for a cooling swim. Dogs often do not enjoy having their ears examined

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Top 5 tips to keeping your pooch cool this summer

Top 5 tips to keeping your pooch cool this summer

It is heating up outside! Is this hot weather getting to you? Do you feel yourself taking off some layers and sitting in the cool? Unfortunately for our pooches they don’t have the luxury of removing their large fur coats

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Protecting your dog this summer

Summer is Here!!!

Summer! It is well and truly here! After the last couple days of extreme heat, we will soon be wishing for winter! We all love summer and no doubt are pet’s do too! With the long summer days and balmy

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Keep Pancreatitis at bay this Christmas day

Can you believe it’s under 2 weeks ‘til Christmas? This year has flown by so fast! Even though we get busy with family and friend catch up’s and attending many over-catered yet delicious dinners, it definitely is the most wonderful

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Christmas and holiday safety

With the festive season approaching, our dogs often get left home alone, or if they are lucky enough to attend the family celebrations; may become a nuisance. Either scenario will require you to ensure your dog’s have plenty to keep

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November Behaviour Article

Going to the vet for your pet’s annual vaccination can often be a difficult and anxiety provoked experience for both you and your pet. Do you have this issue yearly and wish it was easier and more enjoyable? Read on

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