Keep Your Pets’ Filtration System Feelin’ Fab!

Did you know the world celebrates World Kidney Day every year on the 12th March? It’s a global awareness campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys. In the animal world, the same importance is placed on

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Monthly Behaviour Tip

Inappropriate urination is one of the most common behavioural issues cat owners experience with their cat. It can be frustrating when your cat starts urinating outside of the litter box. However, it is important to know that inappropriate urination is

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Skin and Allergies

Although a nice relief from the cold winter weather, spring for our pets often brings with it a side effect of allergies, and annoying insects and parasites. Whether it is a parasite, pain or skin condition, there are many reasons

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Monthly Behaviour Tip : Fighting cat obesity

While cats confined to an indoor environment generally live longer and are at less risk for contracting infectious diseases or injuries, they are at greater risk of becoming overweight due to the lack of exercise. Providing your indoor cat with

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