Don’t let your pet take the bait

                    Rat bait is designed to kill rats and mice, but it can also be deadly if eaten by your pets. Dogs may see rat bait as a smelly/tasty treat that has been left within their reach. Meanwhile, cats

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Endocrine Disease

Although our pets are unable to speak human language, they communicate to us in their own way through body language and behaviour. Have you ever wondered how a vet knows what is wrong with your pet? Although we would like

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Chip in to fight animal cruelty!

         Hey, Me and my pooch are walking to fight animal cruelty on May 20th at the 2018 Million Paws Walk! Why? Because last year, 33,535 animals arrived at RSPCA Shelters around Australia after suffering neglect, mistreatment or abuse. I

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Monthly Behaviour Tip

Do you take the opportunity on the Easter long weekend to go camping, perhaps taking your dog with you? Dogs often stress out when their routine changes, which can lead to erratic, even aggressive behaviour or illness. It is important

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Heart Health

Our pets love us unconditionally!! However, they do not express this love in the same way as a fellow human would. So how can we return the love to our pets in a way they can understand? Our dogs and

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Don’t let mosquitoes ruin your dog’s summer!

Now that summer is in full swing, our worst outdoor enemy is back! I’m sure you all know who I am talking about!… Yes that’s right… Mosquitoes! They ruin barbecues, buzz around your ears, steal your blood and leave behind

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Top 5 tips to keeping your pooch cool this summer!

   It is heating up outside! Is this hot weather getting to you? Do you feel yourself taking off some layers and sitting in the cool? Unfortunately for our pooches they don’t have the luxury of removing their large fur

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Summer is here!!!

Summer!, It is well and truly here! After the last couple days of extreme heat, we will soon be wishing for Winter. We all love Summer and no doubt are pet’s do too! With the long summer days and balmy

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