January Behaviour Blog Article

Spring and summer, with the warm, dry weather may lead to your dog getting an ear infection, maybe from a grass seed, skin allergy or after going for a cooling swim. Dogs often do not enjoy having their ears examined

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Monthly Behaviour Tip

November – Vaccination Going to the vet for your pet’s annual vaccination can often be a difficult and anxiety provoked experience for both you and your pet. Do you have this issue yearly and wish it was easier and more

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September – Itchy skin

Although a nice relief from the cold winter weather, spring for our pets often brings with it a side effect of allergies, and annoying insects and parasites. Whether it is a parasite, pain or skin condition, there are many reasons

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Be ready for itchy scratchy season!

                   Its spring…YAY ! The dreaded cold weather is almost over! The sun is shining,  the flowers are blooming and the grass is growing high!. But you know what that means………the dreaded pollen and dust that will be floating in

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Mr Garbage Guts ….. (literally)!!

Meet Willis, our culprit of this month’s clinic blog! Willis is an extremely inquisitive, exceptionally mischievous and a rather handsome young 2 year old Bull Terrier. Just look how innocent he looks in his picture…… However this is far from

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A mothers bond is unbreakable!

Happy Mothers Day, Mum!   With mother’s day this month, it is an important time to not only show appreciation to all the human mothers out there but the 4-legged ones as well! When a mother sees their child for

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Getting ready for the Million Paws Walk?

Monthly Behaviour Tip Getting ready for the Million Paws Walk? Here are some tips on loose lead walking. With the Million Paws Walk approaching, you may want to perfect your dog’s loose lead walking. Dogs love being outside and going for a walk is

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