Remember that dogs need exercise daily.

Remember that dogs need exercise daily. This not only helps keep them trim but also gives them mental stimulation, preventing boredom and destructive behaviour. Think outside the square – stimulate them with food puzzle toys, hunting for dinner, obedience and

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Is your pet vomiting?

When it cones to vomiting, when do you need to worry about your pet? If they vomit more than once, seem lethargic, are not eating or have been losing weight you should give us a call.


Pets love to investigate things with their paws and noses and this makes them prime targets for bee and wasp stings. Most stings will cause a mild swelling and some discomfort. It is best to call us for advice as

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Did you know?

Did you know? A blood test can give us a wealth of information about your pet’s health. Kidney changes, liver changes, changes in red and white blood cells and dehydration are just a few of the things we can detect.

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Endocrine diseases

Endocrine diseases can severely affect your pet’s quality of life. Changes in thirst, appetite, weight, energy levels and coat quality are just some of the symptoms. If you are worried about your pet ask us for advice.

Worried your dog might have discovered your stash of Easter eggs?

Worried your dog might have discovered your stash of Easter eggs? Signs of chocolate toxicity include hyperactivity, tremors, panting, vomiting, diarrhoea and seizures. Severe toxicity can even lead to death. It is best to call us for advice immediately.

Easter lilies can be potentially toxic to cats

As fragrant as they are, Easter lilies can be potentially toxic to cats. Ingestion of any part of the plant including the stems, stamen, leaves or even the water they are stored in can cause kidney failure. If in doubt,

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Keep your paws off!

Keep your paws off! Our canine friends have a sweet tooth and they know that Easter eggs taste pretty good. Unfortunately chocolate is toxic to dogs and can cause some serious side effects. If you think your pooch has ingested

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