
Don’t forget to keep your Easter eggs well hidden this year. Dogs have an amazing ability to find the sweet stuff, even through multiple layers of wrapping! Some cats are pretty good at finding treats too … just like this

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February was a focus on hearts

Taking your pet to the vet for regular check ups (every 6-12 months) will help detect any health changes early. Sometimes we may hear a heart murmur (abnormal blood flow) or an arrhythmia (irregular rhythm). These may be reason for

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How do you know if your dog loves you?

How do you know if your dog loves you? Watch for:  he brings his squeaky toys to you he stares lovingly in your eyes  he yawns when you yawn  Check out this video of a dog who REALLY loves his

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Heart disease isn’t easy to spot.

Heart disease isn’t easy to spot. It tends to creep up on our pets slowly over many months to many years. Being able to recognise some of the signs can help improve your pet’s quality and quantity of life. Call

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If you suspect your pet has been bitten by a snake, DO NOT try treatment options such as cold packs, ice, tourniquets, alcohol, bleeding the wound or trying to suck out venom – these treatments are a waste of very

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Have you ever wondered if your cat loves you?

Have you ever wondered if your cat loves you? Here are some easy signs to watch out for! head butting you (putting their facial pheromones on you) bringing you a dead mouse (their prized catch)  massaging you with their paws

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Behavioural Tip

With Summer in full swing and the extra hot days we have already had, it is difficult to find a time of the day cool enough to exercise your dog. A few ideas you may like to try which involve

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