Monthly Behaviour Tip – Parasite Control

Summer, with its warm humid weather, brings with it a multitude of parasites your dog or cat can contract. To determine if your pet does have a parasite problem you will notice your pet exhibiting some strange behaviours. Parasite infestations

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Parasite Prevention for Summer Safety

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Can you believe it’s the year 2020?! Time flies when you’re having fun – it’s insane to think how fast the New Year came around. We hope you’ve been able to enjoy some time off with

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Christmas and NYE Festivities

With Christmas and New Year’s around the corner, there may be some kind of fireworks or loud celebrations happening near your home. Though it’s a happy and fun time, it could mean stress and anxiety for your four-legged companion. Do

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Be Safe but Merry for Christmas Day!

It’s the most, wonderful time… of the year! Who doesn’t love Christmas?! Not only for the presents Santa leaves us under the tree, but more importantly it’s for the time we spend with family and friends, stuffing our faces full

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Summer Time Checklist for your Pets

Where has 2019 gone! It’s incredible to think that we are in November already and summer and Christmas are just around the corner! The busy time is upon us, meaning that people will start the ‘end of year’ frenzy getting

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Having a UTI can be such a drip!

Who is loving this beautiful spring weather? So nice to be able to be out and about with family and friends (and our four-legged family members) enjoying the outdoors. This month has a couple of important dates to remember –

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Keep You Pets’ Filtration System Feelin’ Fab

Did you know the world celebrates World Kidney Day every year on the 12th March? It’s a global awareness campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys. In the animal world, the same importance is placed on

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Toilet Training your Puppy

Monthly Behavioural Tip – Toilet Training

Are you having trouble teaching your puppy to urinate outside? Or just not by the backdoor? Toilet training is not difficult, however it is time-consuming. Dogs are social animals and enjoy being part of your family. Before you get frustrated

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Be ready for itchy scratchy season!

Its spring…YAY ! The dreaded cold weather is almost over! The sun is shining,  the flowers are blooming and the grass is growing high!. But you know what that means………the dreaded pollen and dust that will be floating in the

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